The Path of Submission

from €11.11

A progressive, ticket-based submission system where each tribute unlocks deeper control—but only after proving worth through repeated devotion. No skipping ahead. No shortcuts. Only the disciplined will reach the end.

Tribute Levels:
Unlock My Next Step

Many crave depth, but few are willing to prove themselves. This is not a one-time purchase—it is a journey of devotion, a game of discipline, and a trial of submission where only the truly committed will reach the final level.

Each level must be unlocked through repeated offerings, earning tickets that grant access to the next step. You cannot rush. You cannot cheat. Your progress is recorded, and once you have met my requirements, you may petition to move forward.

The ultimate reward? A mark of ownership. But will you make it that far?

Tribute Levels (Ticket-Based Unlock System):

Level 1: The Initiate | per Tribute (Stock: Unlimited per month)

  • Your entry-level submission test—a small act of devotion.

  • You receive a single task, command, or directive.

  • Each purchase earns you 1 Initiate Ticket.

  • To progress to Level 2, you must obtain 10 Initiate Tickets.

Once 10 Tickets are earned, you may petition to enter Level 2.

Level 2: The Bound Servant | per Tribute (Stock: 20 per month)

  • A higher-tier directive—more demanding, more personal.

  • A voice note from me, acknowledging your devotion.

  • Each purchase earns you 1 Bound Servant Ticket.

  • To progress to Level 3, you must obtain 5 Bound Servant Tickets.

Once 5 Tickets are earned, you may petition to enter Level 3.

Level 3: The Marked Disciple | per Tribute (Stock: 10 per month)

  • A structured obedience challenge, requiring discipline and control.

  • A digital mark of progress—an exclusive sigil or affirmation, proving you have passed this stage.

  • Each purchase earns you 1 Marked Disciple Ticket.

  • To progress to Level 4, you must obtain 3 Marked Disciple Tickets.

Once 3 Tickets are earned, you may petition to enter Level 4.

Level 4: The Goddess Level | per Tribute (Stock: 5 per month)

  • A fully immersive digital submission experience—rituals, layered tasks, and direct commands tailored to your devotion.

  • Exclusive personalized guidance—a voice note or message confirming your place beneath me.

  • Each purchase earns you 1 Goddess Level Ticket.

  • After obtaining 2 Goddess Tickets, you are eligible to enter the final stage—if you prove your worth.

Once 2 Tickets are earned, you will receive a Submission Task List to complete before advancing.

Final Level: Owned | (By Invitation Only) (Stock: 2 per month—when available.)

  • The final stage of devotion—only accessible to those I approve.

  • A digital ownership mark—a symbol of your submission.

  • A structured obedience ritual—customized to seal your fate.

  • Only those who have passed their Submission Task List may wait for a chance to purchase this status.

Once your petition is approved, you must wait for a chance to claim one of the limited slots.